Seminar “Raising Audience’s Awareness. The importance of quality journalism for the development of society”
September 27, Ramada Hotel (Almaty, 27 Baytursynova St., corner of Kazybek bi street)
Organizers: International Center for Journalism MediaNet and the Representative Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kazakhstan.
Speakers are German and Kazakhstani experts, journalists, and government officials: Jörg Albinsky, rbb24 editor-in-chief, Kasym Amanzhol, Radio Azattyk, Gulnar Bazhkenova, HOLA News editor-in-chief, Moldiyar Ergebekov, professor of Suleiman Demirel University , Galiya Agenova, Adil Soz International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech, Nazgul Kozhabek, coordinator of the National Translation Bureau and others.
Key questions of the seminar:
1. How and why to improve the quality of journalism?
2. Will the toughening of punishment for slander improve the quality of journalism?
3. Regulation and self-regulation in journalism. Searching for balance
4. German experience in self / regulation and media quality improvement
To register as a participant, you must fill the form by the link until September 24:
Additional Information:
Asem Ilesbay, asemailes@gmail.com
+7 7027790064, +7 (727) 2922046