30-31 May, 2019, Almaty – X Central Asian Forum on the Development of Internet – InternetCA-2019
30-31 May, 2019, Almaty – X Central Asian Forum on the Development of Internet – InternetCA-2019
The event is traditionally held by MediaNet International Centre for Journalism with the partnership and
support of OSCE Programme Office in Astana and Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
The theme of the Forum is Digital Literacy: Competence, Security, Consumption
The main issues are:
– main technological and legal trends on the Internet which can and will influence the information
environment (for example, neuronet/AI);
– media and information literacy and fact-checking;
– network ethics and self-regulation;
– counteraction to disinformation, propaganda, hate speech, and violent extremism due to audience
– cyber security and protection of personal data;
– digital education;
– network services and products which help audience to improve quality of life and exercise the rights;
– efficient legal conditions providing respect for human rights online, etc.
Independent experts, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, journalists,
lawyers, internet active people are encouraged to participate in the event.
The speakers of the event are local, Central Asian and international.
Time: 9:30 – registration, 10:00 – event
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
If you would like to participate as a speaker, please complete the form until 10 May:
If you would like to participate as a guest, please complete the form until 27 May:
The event organizers cover travel expenses and accommodation for foreign and non-local participants.
The number of participants is limited.
The organizers will inform you about your application status until 27 May 2019.
Contact us:
Alyona Koshkina, medianet.smm@gmail.com
Duman Smakov, medianet.smm@gmail.com
+7 727 292 20 46, +7 747 987 98 79