In August 2018, the International Center of Journalism MediaNet with the support of the RepresentativeOffice of the Foundation named after Konrad Adenauer in Kazakhstan had launched a new long-termproject on computer skills and Internet literacy training and raising awareness about dual education inthe regions of Kazakhstan. Youth of Stepnogorsk was the first to receive basic …


In October 2018, , the International Center of Journalism MediaNet with the support of theRepresentative Office of the Foundation named after Konrad Adenauer in Kazakhstan had launched anew long-term project on computer skills and Internet literacy training and raising awareness about dualeducation in the regions of Kazakhstan. Young people of Kostanay received basic business skills. …


In September 2018, , the International Center of Journalism MediaNet with the support of theRepresentative Office of the Foundation named after Konrad Adenauer in Kazakhstan had launched anew long-term project on computer skills and Internet literacy training and raising awareness about dualeducation in the regions of Kazakhstan. The youth of Alakol received basic business skills. …

30-31 May, 2019, Almaty – X Central Asian Forum on the Development of Internet – InternetCA-2019

30-31 May, 2019, Almaty – X Central Asian Forum on the Development of Internet – InternetCA-2019The event is traditionally held by MediaNet International Centre for Journalism with the partnership andsupport of OSCE Programme Office in Astana and Konrad Adenauer Foundation.The theme of the Forum is Digital Literacy: Competence, Security, ConsumptionThe main issues are:– main technological and …

Factcheck.kz calls to fight against unreliable information

Factcheck.kz is resource to verify the accuracy of information published in the media, posted in social networks andstatements of people. Since 2017, editors have been struggling with news and fake information in the media space.Factchecking works in Kazakh and Russian languages. It is planning to add options in another language. In general,the content is very …

45 experts from Central Asian countries were trained in the implementation of technologies to combat extremism

40 journalists and editors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan were trained in fact-checkingFrom 26 till 31 August in 2018 40 professional journalists and editors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistanlearned the basics and practices of fact-checking and international news coverage. Training participants were selected among the major media of Central Asia – Informburo.kz, Sputnik.kz, “Radio“Azattyk ”, …


On February 7, 2018, at 14:30 an open lecture of foreign experts was held at KIMEP University for undergraduatestudents of 2–4 years, as well as 1-2 year graduate students in Almaty, specializing in the study of research. The lecture covered the following topics:• Analysis, writing and visualization of survey data for public consumption• Importance of …

Seminar “Raising Audience’s Awareness. The importance of quality journalism for the development of society”

September 27, Ramada Hotel (Almaty, 27 Baytursynova St., corner of Kazybek bi street) Organizers: International Center for Journalism MediaNet and the Representative Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kazakhstan. Speakers are German and Kazakhstani experts, journalists, and government officials: Jörg Albinsky, rbb24 editor-in-chief, Kasym Amanzhol, Radio Azattyk, Gulnar Bazhkenova, HOLA News editor-in-chief, Moldiyar Ergebekov, professor …