Five scholarships that cover 100% cost of study in the major "International Journalism" of the Department of Mediaand Communications will allow applicants from different industries to become specialists in the media andcommunications in their field of activity. The Department of Media and Communications at KIMEP University allocates five full scholarships for theMaster's program in International …
In Almaty managers and employees of non-governmental organizations completed a MediaMinds course. It increases effectiveness of interaction with the media and promotion of projects in social networks. Project goal: Increasing awareness in the information space about NGO projects supported by Chevron, by developing media skills. Within five months, 20 non-governmental organizations employees received advice from …
On February 8 and 9, 2018, in the American Space was held an expert meeting "Modern Applied Research Tools"for research companies in Central Asia.Spearkers were American experts:Matthew Warshaw is a Chief Operating Officer at D3 Systems, Inc. He has been working for more than 20 years inthe field of sociological research, public opinion polls, media …
On February 10, 2018, an open lecture was held in the American space for all interested in research in Almaty. Speakers were American experts Matthew Warshaw, Chief Operating Officer at D3 Systems, Inc., and JacobPoushter, Senior Fellow at the Pew Research Center. Matthew Warshaw spoke on the topic “Effective research is the key to …
Media School at the International Center of Journalism MediaNet opens in Astana with the support of theRepresentative Office of the Foundation named after Konrad Adenauer in Kazakhstan and KAZGUU University.Attention!To become a member of the first free stream of Media School in Astana, you must pass a competition.For those who wish to study in Media …
On June 28, 2019, a meeting of international and Kazakhstani experts on media and information literacy(MIL) was held in Almaty.In the morning, Pavel Bannikov, editor-in-chief of, the author of the course FactCheckAcademy, told colleagues about modern information verification tools and actualized an importance ofmedia literacy for Kazakhstani school students.Onwards, experts discussed in a round …
From 26 till 31 August in 2018 40 professional journalists and editors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistanlearned the basics and practices of fact-checking and international news coverage.Training participants were selected among the major media of Central Asia –,, “Radio“Azattyk ”,,,,,“ Week of the UK ”,“ Komsomolskaya Pravda inKazakhstan ”, …
Albany Associates International and IREX Europe regional project on the development of pluralism and impartialityin media and media literacy among Central Asian audiences with the support of the British Embassy in Astanaannounces a competition for international news and editorial media in Central Asia The competition accepts materials (textual and multimedia), created in the form of …
[:en]In Kazakhstan, an influential international annual publication “Project Syndicate: What Carries the Year2019? Great Disruption” has been published in Kazakh and Russian languages. The project was carriedout by the International Center of Journalism MediaNet and the first Central Asian factual with the support of the Soros -Kazakhstan Foundation. Among the authors of the Great …
In June 2019, the International Center of Journalism MediaNet with the support of the RepresentativeOffice of the Foundation named after Konrad Adenauer in Kazakhstan had launched a new long-termproject on computer skills, Internet literacy training and raising awareness about dual education in theregions of Kazakhstan. Young people of Mangistau received basic business skills. In the …